Tag: Surrogacy

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Why Would a Woman Need a Surrogate Mother?

Many women have dreamed of getting pregnant and having a baby since they were little girls. But some would-be mothers have medical conditions that make it very difficult if not impossible to get pregnant or sustain a pregnancy.  They must turn to another woman to help them have a baby.  Celebrities such as Nicole Kidman,...


We Love Surrogate Mothers

Surrogate mothers help make dreams come true. They are kind, compassionate women who want to build families for individuals who can not get pregnant on their own, including infertile heterosexual couples, gay men, and singles. People who have not been involved in surrogacy may not understand what motivates a woman to carry a baby for...

Medical Evaluation of the Surrogate Mother

Medical Evaluation of the Surrogate Mother

Surrogacy is a unique and wonderful family building option that often is described as third party reproduction. Individuals turn to surrogacy for a variety of medical and social reasons: infertility; multiple pregnancy losses; being part of a same sex male couple or being a single male. Surrogate mothers, also known as gestational carriers, are caring,...


Options for Surrogates and Intended Parents

When Robyn decided to become a surrogate, she looked into options that included going through an agency or doing it privately. She compared the earnings for a surrogate and the agencies, and researched how much intended parents were going to have to pay an agency. She gathered the same data going the private route. Robyn...