Tag: embryo transfers

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Embryology Lab

What Happens Inside An Embryology Lab?

“An Embryologist is your child’s first babysitter.” And it’s true. At HRC Fertility, our high-tech laboratories are where your eggs, sperm and embryos are handled, analyzed and safely stored. Our three state-of the-art embryology labs in Pasadena, Newport Beach and Encino, California are at the forefront of reproductive clinical research. The goal of each laboratory...


Fresh Versus Frozen IVF Cycles

For more than 30 years, frozen embryo transfers (FETs) have been successfully utilized when patients have had excess frozen embryos remaining from a fresh cycle. But with older freezing methods, success rates were not as impressive. In recent years, however, several studies have demonstrated the increasing effectiveness of frozen IVF cycles. In fact, most IVF...