Dr. John Norian, Dr. Bradford Kolb, and Dr. Jane Frederick were recently quoted in an article for USA Today regarding the importance of semen analysis

Dr. John Norian, Dr. Bradford Kolb, and Dr. Jane Frederick were recently quoted in an article for USA Today regarding semen analysis

Dr. John Norian, Dr. Bradford Kolb, and Dr. Jane Frederick were recently quoted in an article for
USA Today written by Charles Trepany titled “More men are getting their sperm checked,
doctors say. Should you get a semen analysis?”

According to the article, there are a few reasons why someone should consider a semen
analysis. If a couple is having trouble conceiving, a semen analysis can help determine if the
male’s sperm is playing a factor. If a man is considering freezing his sperm, a semen analysis
can let him know his sperm’s baseline health before going through with that decision.
Additionally, if a man is struggling with sexual function, a semen analysis can shed light on if
those problems are stemming from an issue with his sperm production.

Dr. John Norian states that, “more and more men are considering fertility preservation as we
know that certain environmental factors may decrease our sperm viability in the future.”
Furthermore, men who want to be as fertile as possible should consider making certain lifestyle
choices. Smoking, for instance, or taking anabolic steroids can compromise a man’s fertility,
says Dr. Bradford Kolb. Dr. Jane Frederick adds that consuming excessive caffeine may also
contribute to abnormally shaped sperm and heat exposure, such as from saunas and hot tubs,
can make sperm less motile. Getting a sperm analysis can give helpful insight into a male’s
fertility and reproductive health.

To learn more about the process of semen analysis, read the article in its entirety here.