Category: HRC Fertility

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Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

Premature ovarian insufficiency or POI, was previously referred to as premature ovarian failure. Premature ovarian insufficiency is a condition in which a woman’s ovaries lose their normal function at an earlier than expected age. This means that the ovaries will significantly decrease the amount of estrogen and progesterone they produce in addition to ceasing to...

Piggy bank in front of a blank laptop

Now trending: Crowdfunding for IVF or surrogacy

Have you ever given to a great cause even when the outcome wasn’t guaranteed? Helped for the sake of helping? That’s the premise behind crowdfunding for IVF or family building services such as surrogacy and adoption. Our HRC Fertility staff is watching the trending topic, and hoping that it helps raise awareness and funds for...



Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT) versus In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) – Embryo Transfer for Patients of Advanced Maternal Age HRC Fertility, like nearly every reputable fertility center, no longer performs ZIFT. IVF is the preferred method, making up 98% of assisted reproductive technology. This Study is Closed. Primary Aims: To determine whether ZIFT improves clinical pregnancy rates in women...


Current Fertility Studies

Participate in the newest fertility research projects at HRC Fertility. At HRC Fertility, clinical studies are always underway as we are dedicated to finding new and responsible ways of solving reproductive health issues to help our patients build families. Please take a moment to read about the current studies listed below, and feel free to...


Older Moms and Autistic Kids

Every week it seems that a new study pertaining to autism is being published. It’s not surprising considering that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has estimated that one in 110 children had the condition in 2006. The second week of February was no different. A research study from the University of California Davis...


Cesarean Section By Choice: The Cons

Traditionally, the decision to deliver a baby by cesarean section (C-section) was made by a woman’s obstetrician. It was based purely on medical reasons such as a baby in the “breech” position (head-up, bottom-down) or a cervix that wouldn’t fully dilate. These days, women realize that there are other potential reasons to favor a C-section...


Smart Shopping for Lubricants When Trying to Conceive

Up to one half of sexually active couples use some kind of vaginal lubricant during intercourse. It’s a common misconception that lubricants not containing spermicide are okay to use in couples that are trying to conceive. Unfortunately, there is now reason to believe that many of these lubricants have harmful effects on sperm, thus potentially...


Octuplet Birth: Did the Fertility Clinic Act Improperly?

Octuplet birth brings attention to importance of choosing a doctor you can trust. In the wake of the recent octuplet birth and subsequent media frenzy, the latest point of focus to emerge is the fertility clinic that assisted the mother with the pregnancy. In a televised interview with NBC, octuplet mom Nadya Suleman revealed the...


A Patient’s Poem

This is a poem written by one of our current patients about their fertility journey. It sincerely touched me and I thought it would touch so many others who have struggled or who are struggling with infertility. Some of you may know that every other year we celebrate our HRC Fertility family by having a...