Author: Athena Gutierrez (Athena Gutierrez)

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The Secrets of Optimizing IUI: Dr. Mickey Coffler Explains Intrauterine Insemination

The Secrets of Optimizing IUI: Dr. Mickey Coffler Explains Intrauterine Insemination

There are several fertility treatment options available out there for those having issues starting a family on their own. One of the more simple fertility treatments we offer at HRC Fertility is IUI or Intrauterine Insemination. The IUI procedure itself involves transferring semen that has been washed and concentrated directly into the uterus via a...

Embryology Lab

What Happens Inside An Embryology Lab?

“An Embryologist is your child’s first babysitter.” And it’s true. At HRC Fertility, our high-tech laboratories are where your eggs, sperm and embryos are handled, analyzed and safely stored. Our three state-of the-art embryology labs in Pasadena, Newport Beach and Encino, California are at the forefront of reproductive clinical research. The goal of each laboratory...

Can Young Women Still Get Pregnant With Low Ovarian Reserve (Diminished Ovarian Reserve)?

Can Young Women Still Get Pregnant With Low Ovarian Reserve (Diminished Ovarian Reserve)?

A diagnosis of diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) in young women struggling with infertility can be deeply frustrating. It leads many to believe that they have no options or that their only option is pregnancy through IVF or egg donation. A recent study demonstrates that for women under the age of 35, there is another viable...

Dr. Mickey Coffler

Dr. Mickey Coffler: Avoiding Miscarriages

Miscarriage is never easy. This is particularly true for couples that have undergone infertility treatments. It may seem like there’s no hope, especially if you’ve had recurrent miscarriages, but with technology and science, there is always hope. To figure out your next option, it’s best to understand why miscarriages happen and who it happens to...

Dr. Lisa Becht: What Is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

Dr. Lisa Becht: What Is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?

Irregular periods? Unable to get pregnant? More acne than most? More facial hair? Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may be the culprit. Women with PCOS have an imbalance and dysregulation of hormones, which can lead to not ovulating, missed periods, long cycles, and infertility. Additionally they may have higher than normal testosterone levels which can cause...

HRC Fertility Pasadena Is Moving, Announces New Office, Advanced, High-Tech Lab

HRC Fertility Pasadena Is Moving, Announces New Office, Advanced, High-Tech Lab

It’s official! We’re moving! We’re happy to announce our new, world-class fertility center in the heart of Pasadena, California opening on November 2, 2020. HRC Pasadena will be closing its doors at 333 Arroyo St. and welcoming new and former patients to our upgraded office suite at 55 South Lake Avenue, St. 900, Pasadena, CA...