#FliptheScript on Your Fertility

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Flip the Script - HRC Fertility

Flip the Script - HRC FertilityNext week is National Infertility Awareness Week, sponsored by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association.

Each year RESOLVE selects a theme the infertility community rallies around to promote awareness, education, advocacy and understanding for the disease that affects one in eight Americans of reproductive age. This year’s theme is #FliptheScript, a call to action to change the conversation about infertility with the public, media, insurers, healthcare professionals and lawmakers.

Many people have used this awareness week as an opportunity to “come out” about their struggles and share their stories of heartbreak and hope. Others have joined with fellow #TTC (trying to conceive) warriors to spread affirming messages on social media.

There are ways for everyone to #FliptheScript on their fertility journey. Whether you want to be a parent now or in the future, here are a few suggestions:

Know your fertility baseline–There are a variety of tests that can help you and your medical provider learn about your fertility status. Though these tests do not provide a guarantee of fertility or infertility, they can be an important first step in gaining insight into some key clinical fertility metrics for both men and women. The assessment will include blood tests and an ultrasound to assess current and potential female egg quality as well as a semen analysis for men.

#FliptheScript and take charge of your fertility.

Seek help soon than later–If you’re trying to get pregnant in the near future, timing is important, especially for female fertility. For women, this means seeking the help of a reproductive specialist after you’ve been trying to conceive for more than a year if you’re younger than 35, after six months if you’re older than 35, and after three months if you’re 40 or older.

However, if you or your partner have been diagnosed with a medical condition known to impede fertility, such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, or a low sperm count, you shouldn’t wait to contact your doctor for further evaluation if you know you’re ready to get pregnant.

#FliptheScript because waiting to seek help with conceiving never helps.

Freeze your future–If you’re a woman who would like to become a mother someday but currently don’t have a partner, or have career or educational plans that may delay your baby making plans, then #FliptheScript by considering egg freezing for your future fertility.

Egg freezing is a safe and proven technology that can help stop your biological clock by suspending your eggs in time for when you are ready to start your family. Women who freeze a sufficient number of eggs (15-30) feel this is a way to help greatly improve the chances of pregnancy in the future when the time is right for motherhood.

#FliptheScript and let Mother Nature know women can have it all.

Embracing becoming a parent–Deciding to use a third party, such as an egg donor, a sperm donor, an embryo donor or a gestational carrier (surrogate) most likely was not your first choice when you decided to become a parent. Emotionally it can be difficult to give up the dream that your child will inherit you or your partner’s genes. However, these options, including embryo donation, are wonderful alternatives to consider if you want a healthy child to love and parent.

#FliptheScript on how to become a parent.

Advocate for fertility benefits–The ability to pay for treatment is a major impediment to many people seeking infertility care. According to a report compiled by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association and Merck Pharmaceuticals, cost barriers and lack of insurance coverage affect about half of people seeking care.

But anyone can become a fertility advocate by contacting their state and national elected officials and urging them to pass legislation favorable to the infertility community. You can also advocate with your employer to see if the company will either offer benefits, like Apple and Facebook, or change insurance plans to one that provides reimbursement for infertility treatment.

RESOLVE offers information, data, action plans and other tools to work with your legislators and employer.

#FliptheScript to advocate for yourself and others for more and better ways to pay for IVF, egg freezing and other types of treatment.

Can you think of other ways to #FliptheScript? Let us know.



