#ListenUp for National Infertility Awareness Week

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NIAW Listen Up

NIAW Listen Up#ListenUp! In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW), April 23-29, our infertility specialists are trying to make infertility treatment more accessible for new patients. Often, taking the first step to schedule an appointment with a physician is a difficult one. Patients don’t know what to anticipate during the initial meeting. They may be intimidated and confused.

Drs. Jane Frederick, Daniel Potter, Sanaz Ghazal and Mickey Coffler hope to break down some of these barriers by providing the following specials during NIAW. New patients can respond on the doctors’ individual Facebook pages.

  • Dr. Jane Frederick and Dr. Daniel Potter: Raffles for a $500 gift certificate toward fertility treatment with the first 10 people responding getting a free “new patient” consultation voucher.
  • Dr. Sanaz Ghazal: offering a $500 gift certificate and five free “new patient” consult vouchers
  • Dr. Mickey Coffler: providing a $250 raffle

#ListenUp: So what happens during the initial consultation? Here”s what you should know:

Your first impression

The initial consultation is usually the first meeting between you and the doctor (unless you met at one of HRC Fertility’s seminars) who will be your primary infertility specialist at HRC Fertility Orange County. Expect the appointment to last between an hour and 90 minutes. We encourage both partners to attend this meeting. You are in this together to make a baby.

Initial paperwork

Please try to complete the financial, administrative and medical history paperwork we send in the initial consultation packet. This includes other important documents to help us more effectively plan your care.

Become informed about your health insurance

It’s always a good idea to know what your insurance plan will play for the diagnosis and any infertility treatment. We have experienced financial counselors who will work with you to figure out what will be covered as well as other options you can take to afford treatment.

Bring your medical records

If you have had previous diagnostic tests or treatment performed by an obstetrician/gynecologist or a reproductive endocrinologist, please arrange for the release of your records. You can either bring these records to the initial consultation or, better yet, have them sent before your appointment. You can save precious time and money with the receipt of these important documents. We do not want to repeat any unnecessary tests or procedures.

Reviewing your medical history

Your past records and the completed medical history forms will alert us to any health concerns or issues you and your partner might have. During the consultation, we will ask both partners about past medical problems, surgeries, and prescription medications they are using. With the female partner, we will discuss her OB history, previous infertility workups and treatments, and if her mother or sisters have had trouble conceiving.

We also want to know if the father-to-be has already fathered a child/gottena woman pregnant and lifestyle factors that may affect his spearm. If he has already completed his semen analysis, the doctor will go over those results as well.

Explaining and scheduling diagnostic testing

We will explain what each test entails and what the results mean. For women, we will schedule blood work on day three of your menstrual cycle to evaluate your hormone levels and other key indicators of fertility, as well as an ultrasound to visualize your ovaries and pelvic cavity, and a hysterosalpingogram, a specialized x-ray to assess the anatomy of your fallopian tubes and uterus.The male partner has it relatively simple. He must produce a semen sample to be evaluated.

Developing a roadmap to success

Our goal is to get you pregnant! The initial consultation is the first step in outlining your treatment options. Unless otherwise medically indicated, we proceed from low-tech (medication and/or intrauterine insemination) options to more complex treatment, such as assisted reproductive technologies, including in vitro fertilization. We also discuss success rates based on age and diagnosis. We want you to feel comfortable with your treatment course.

We hope you leave the consultation with a positive viewpoint and a feeling that you are on the way to making your dreams come true.