Why We Loved Working with Dr. Peck

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Why We Loved Working with Dr. Peck

After trying to conceive on their own for a year and feeling frustrated by their lack of success, Michelle and Trevor sought help from their regular OBGYN. When that didn’t work, their OB referred them to HRC where they met Dr. Alison Peck at one of her seminars.

Like many infertility patients, the couple was anxious to start their family. They felt uptight and frustrated the process was taking longer than they thought. Dr. Peck was a great antidote for that stress.

“Dr. Peck is so nice. She was very calming and positive. I never felt worried with her,” said Michelle.

That is not to say she was unhappy with her treatment before she went to HRC Fertility. Michelle loves and nothing but kind words for her OB, but adds that it’s like comparing apples to oranges.

She said, “The OB does a lot — pap smears, helps you get pregnant, provides contraceptives. But with Dr. Peck and HRC the one goal of everyone in the building was to get patients pregnant.”

Michelle explained it’s also a relief to share the waiting room with other patients in the same situation. While that might not have been the case at the OB’s office, every woman at HRC fertility was working toward getting pregnant, and knew what it felt like to be there at the fertility clinic. Michelle described the bond she felt with the other women in the waiting room.

“It was a weird, secret, quiet camaraderie with the other patients. You don’t talk to the people in the waiting room but you kind of commiserate and give each other those ‘I get it’ looks. It’s better than being at the OB and seeing  pregnant women and thinking, ‘I want to leave. I don’t want to look at this person.’”

With Dr. Peck’s help, the couple tried fertility drugs and then graduated to Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). While the first round of IUI resulted in a pregnancy, it ended in miscarriage five weeks later. To Michelle and Trevor’s surprise and everyone’s delight, the couple experimented “naturally” before their next IUI and became pregnant. Their beautiful baby Jackson was born last spring.