My Journey to My Family

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L. and A. are delighted with their young family. With twin girls almost three months old, they definitely have their hands full. Even though it’s challenging–and sometimes chaotic–the couple says their family was worth the journey through fertility treatment.

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Like many newly married couples, L. and A. wanted to wait a while before having kids. Once they decided it was time to try, they were eager and excited, but after a year without success decided to look at treatment options.

Several doctors and a friend eventually pointed L. and A. to HRC and Dr. Robert Boostanfar and, while they still had treatment challenges to overcome, their luck definitely began to improve.

A. needed to have surgery to correct a blockage and they had to cut their first IVF cycle in half because L. didn’t respond well to the medication.

“I’m 38, no spring chicken, so when we weren’t going to get more than two or three eggs the first time, we cut the cycle,” she explained.

The second round of IVF went much better, and L. had five viable embryos for fertilization. Three of the five were ideal for transfer.

“We implanted all three and were scared to death,” she recalled. “We were like, ‘what are we going to do with three babies?’ But we really wanted twins, so we thought let’s do this once and have two babies and be done–and that’s what we got!”

Dr. Boostanfar cautioned them that, even with transferring three embryos, the chance of getting just one baby was low, and even lower for multiples.

“I guess we beat the odds on that one. We were happy…and we’re still happy. Two babies at one time is definitely hard, but it’s worth it!”